The floriculture department has announced that 1.5 million Tulip bulbs of 62 varieties will be planted during Tulip show 2021 in the Tulip garden here. Out of the total tulip bulbs, 5.3 lakh bulbs will be imported. The garden will also be planted with 60,000 Hyacinths and 20,000 Daffodils. The information was given by Director Floriculture, Farooq Ahmad Rather during a meeting chaired by Commissioner/Secretary Floriculture, Gardens & Parks, (FG&P) Department, Sheikh Fayaz Ahmad. The meeting was aimed to take review of the maintenance, development of existing gardens and parks, commercial floriculture, heritage Mughal gardens and development of theme gardens in various districts of Kashmir division. The meeting also reviewed the physical and financial progress made with respect to the capex plan 2020-21. While discussing the opening of already sanctioned Hi-tech Nursery at Sub-station Polo Ground Srinagar, the Commissioner directed the concerned to come up with a detailed proposal for creating the facility. It was also given out that six Mughal gardens have been included in the UNESCOs tentative list of heritage sites and DPRs with respect to priority works are being formulated in consultation with Archives and Archaeology department. On the creation of Theme gardens, the meeting was told that the land has been identified in some of the districts by Revenue authorities and work will be shortly started on the project. The Commissioner directed the officers to make proposals for already identified land in various districts and reflect them in the next year`s plan.
News Source: GK News Network
Srinagar, November 8, 2020,